
GP-Cleanup is non-selectiveweedicide, and it can be used on active and standing Weeds. It is systemic herbicide so it translocate into weeds and eradicate weeds from the root level. GP-Cleanup is very good for Cyperus and Cynodonwhich are often difficult weeds to control. It can be used in standing crop also but be careful to not spray the main crop. For precaution use hood while spraying. It is inactive when it comes into contact with soil so it is very safe on the environment and soil. GP-Cleanup is most effective to control following grasses-AxonopusCompressus, CynodonDactylon, ImoerataCylindrica, Polygonum Perfoliatum, Kalm Grass, ArundinellaBenghalensis and Paspalum Scorbiculatum.

Dose : 80 – 100 ml per pump, 800 – 1200 ml per Acre

Packing : 500 ml, 1 Litre

Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
