Namo Gold

Namo Gold (Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC) is a new generation broad spectrum selective and systematic weedicide of PyrimidinylBenzoate group which containsBispyribacSodium as an active ingredient. It effectively controls most of weed species in rice crop, both in nurseries and main field. Namo Gold gets absorbed quickly in weeds and results are unaffected even in if it rains after 6 hours of application. Namo Gold does not affect succeeding crops. It can be used in all three stage of rice cultivation on – direct seeded nursery and transplanted rice.

Dose : 80-100 ml per Acre

Packing : 10 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 mL, 500 ml

Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
