Python 405
Python 405 is a ready to use insecticide with active ingredients Ethion & Cypermethrin having contact &systemic action. It is highly effective against all types of bollworms on cotton, leaf eating and fruit boring caterpillars in a wide range of crops like vegetables, pulses etc. It is also effective against whiteflies on cotton and vegetables.
Dose : 150-200 ml/ha
Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
Category: Insecticide
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GP-Tara is a broad-spectrum systemic pesticide having quick systemic and contact activity. Due to its systemic and translaminar action, is absorbed and translocated in whole plant and hence has the capacity to control the hiding insects effectively. Highly effective on sucking, soil and leaf-dwelling pests.
Dose : 10 grams per 15 Liters of water
Packing : 100 grams, 250 grams
Directions of Use : Measure out required amount of product and mix it well with a small quantity of Water. Add the remaining quantity of Water with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable Sprayer.
Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
GP-505 is a combination insecticide of two active ingredients, Chlorpyriphosand Cypermethrin. GP-505 is a broad-spectrum insecticide having contact and systemic action against pod borers, fruit borers, stem borers, leaf miners, defoliating caterpillars, sucking pests, termites etc., Combination results in synergistic action providing longer protection.
Dose : 200 to 500 ml per Acre
Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
Directions of Use : Measure out required amount of product and mix it well with a small quantity of Water. Add the remaining quantity of Water with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable Sprayer.
Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
Shotgun 25
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Dose : 150-200 ml / HA
Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
Neem Fighter
This product is a neem seed kernal based anti-feedant and a repellent for the control of pests. It is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15% of active ingredient. A very wide spectrum of phytophagous insect-pests is affected by this Neem formulation. It controls the pest population through a triple action activity - acting as a feeding deterrent, oviposition inhibitor and insect growth regulator. The Neem based biochemicals act as contact and in a systemic manner.
Dose : 25 ml per 15 Liters of water
Packing : 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml
Directions of Use : Measure out required amount of product and mix it well with a small quantity of Water. Add the remaining quantity of Water with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable Sprayer.
Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
Big Boss
Big Boss is used to control termites in buildings through pre & post construction treatments. Fipronil disrupts normal nerve influx transmission (e.g. passage of chloride ions) by targeting the GABA-gated chloride channel, causes excessive neural excitation, severe paralysis, and insect death. It is also considered a selective GABA antagonist because it shows a greater binding affinity to insect than to mammal GABA receptors. It can kill insects through hyper-excitation of central nervous system.
Dose : 15 – 25 ml per Litre
Packing : 20 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
Alvida is a new generation systemic insecticide of Neo-nicotinoid group, which is having Imidacloprid as active ingredient. It is used for the control of Aphids, Jassids, White fly and Thrips of Cotton &Chilies, Leaf hoppers of Mango and Termites in Sugarcane also recommended for Okra, Sunflower, Citrus, Groundnuts, Tomato & Grapes.
Dose : 40-50 ml per Acre on Cotton & Paddy; 50-100 mL on Chilies; In Mango 2-4 ml per tree after diluting in10 Liters of water & in Sugarcane 140 ml per acre with irrigation water.
Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml
Directions of Use : Measure out required amount of product and mix it well with a small quantity of Water. Add the remaining quantity of Water with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable Sprayer.
Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
G-PRIDE is a systemic insecticide with contact &systemic action which is used to control Aphids, Jassids and Whiteflies of cotton crops. It is a soluble powder containing Acetamiprid 20%w/w and balance adjuvants. It used to control Aphids,Jassids, and Whiteflies by soil and foilar application on a wide range of crops viz Cotton, Vegetables, Fruits, and Tea. It should be used in accordance with suitable climate conditions.
Dose : 50-100grams in dilution with 500-600 Liters water
Packing : 250 grams, 500 grams
Directions of Use : Measure out required amount of product and mix it well with a small quantity of Water. Add the remaining quantity of Water with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable Sprayer.
Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.
Kitnash is systemic seed treatment pesticide. It protects against target pests by interfering with receptors that transmit the message to continue feeding.
Kitnash provides control of a wide range of early season sucking, chewing, leaf-feeding and soil-dwelling insects pests, such as aphids, wireworms, flea beetles and leaf miners.
Dose : 5 ml per kg seed for seed treatment
Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
Directions of Use : Measure out required amount of product and mix it well with a small quantity of Water. Add the remaining quantity of Water with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable Sprayer.
Shelf life / Storage : The shelf life of this product is 2 years when stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat in original packaging.