Super Gold 75

Super Gold 75 is broad spectrum systemic insecticide contains the active ingredient Thiamethoxam. Super Gold 75 is soil-applied insecticide and having quick action against sucking and chewing pests.

It has labelled for use on Ground Nut, Sugarcane, Rice and Cotton. Super Gold 75 may direct the application at the base of the plant for optimum root uptake when making post-emergence applications. Super Gold 75 improves the plant from primary treatment, it took up by the plant faster which results higher yield and improved crop quality resulting longer-lasting systemic control.
It has negligible effect on beneficial insects.

Dose : 50 to 75 Grm/ Acre (Depending on crop)

Packing : 5 Grm, 50 Grm, 100 Grm, 250 Grm
